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AWARDS: The Awards Committee is responsible for reviewing yearly award recommendations for recipients of REALTOR of the Year, Affiliate of the Year, Honorary Life Member, Pride In Profession, Rising Star/Rookie of the Year and any other awards as may be determined by committee and approved by the Board of Directors or directive by the Board of Directors. Committee works with staff to provide forms to membership for nominations, and recipients are determined based on criteria provided by candidates, brokers or others from forms.
CHAPLIN: Responsible for giving invocations at all Board functions.
SOCIAL: The Social Committee coordinates and organizes programs for the quarterly luncheons such as locations, dates, times, menus, attendees and considers vital information and primary needs of the membership in selecting subjects to be discussed. Also arranges the Holiday Party for the NSBBOR and any other special functions put on by the committee as approved by the Board of Directors.
LEGISLATIVE/CANDIDATE SCREENING: This committee updates the members on all matters of legislative or regulatory nature affecting not only the real estate field but community protection. Recommends actions on behalf of the Board for Calls to Action and local issues. Monitors legislative matters at all levels of government. Participates in interviewing political candidates and recommendations to the members with Board of Director approval and possible funding. Funding is requested and monitored thru the R.P.A.C. committee.
MEMBERSHIP: This committee will promote Realtor and Affiliate membership with annual membership drives and work to sustain and engage new Realtor members and welcome new Affiliates.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Conducts surveys to ensure member educational needs are being met and conduct the instruction orientation course given to applicants for Board membership. Coordinates with Staff for Board sponsored classes, promotes safety measures and education to protect board members. Conducts Code of Ethics courses to comply with NAR mandate.
PUBLICITY/MARKETING: Promotes greater public awareness of the Board and the term “REALTOR®”. Coordinates with the local news media on press releases and meeting notices. Works with other committees to promote the Realtor image in the community through publicity, meetings, banquets, projects, etc.
R.P.A.C: Responsible for monitoring RPAC funding and goals. Stays informed on the status of contributions and money available for local distributions and keeps the Board of Directors informed on the statuses. Responsible for requesting funding and working with the Legislative/Candidate Screening Committee to coordinate candidate and issue funding if necessary. Responsible for raising money to meet the goals and to educate membership as to the purpose of the RPAC. Maintains or utilizes existing lines of communications and rapport with government officials on a local, state and national level.
SCHOLARSHIP/COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Reviews requests for donations and planned community funded services on behalf of the Board of Realtors® with approval of Board of Directors and based on budgetary items, using established criteria. Coordinates with schools for scholarships to be provided by the Board. Reviews annual scholarship applications; chooses winners and presents awards at the Senior Award Ceremony at the local high school.
SPECIAL/COMMUNITY EVENTS: Organizes, promotes and raises funds for community projects and Board of Realtor projects as determined by the committee with Board of Director approval or Board of Director suggestions and other special projects as requested by the Board of Directors.
YOUNG PROFESSIONAL NETWORK: The Young Professionals Network (YPN) is a member-driven organization that empowers young real estate professionals to excel in their careers through leadership community outreach, networking, professional development and advocacy. The Young Professionals Network is the foundation for the future of the real estate profession. Each year, YPN members set new standards for the maintenance, strengthening and growth of the REALTOR® brand. Through our influence as successful young professionals we will:
The following committees are for REALTOR Members Only.
BYLAWS: The bylaws committee is responsible for reviewing the NSBBOR bylaws for proposed changes, concerns, and mandatory changes from the National Association of Realtors or Florida Association of Realtors and assuring compliance with the National Association of Realtors. With assistance from staff, Committee presents to the Board of Directors and, if necessary, to membership any changes for review from the National Association of Realtors and approval.
FINANCE & BUDGET: This committee is responsible for developing a proposed annual budget for review and approval by the Board of Directors. Reviews quarterly reports on the financial condition and budget concerns of the Association and reports thereon to the Board of Directors. Reviews and recommends investment policies and reviews and recommends any and all functions, procedures and expenditures that affect the Association’s income and expenses. Reviews and anticipates future income and expenses.
MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE: This committee provides primary input into the Multiple Listing Service information, testing products, and increasing member awareness. It is imperative to keep the MLS up to date and responsive to member’s needs. Responsible for policy recommendations and developments in current market trends. Monitors the MLS Rules and Regulations for compliance with the National Association of Realtors. Assists in caravan coordination and routing and MLS morning meetings. Sponsors one monthly MLS morning meeting.
PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS/GRIEVANCE COMBINED: If you signed up for Grievance previously, please mark Professional Standards, these committees are working contiguously as one.
PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS: The Professional Standards Committee raises the awareness and understanding of REALTORS® as well as the general public, of the Code of Ethics. At a hearing panel, members sit in judgment and render impartial decisions upon complaints of unethical conduct and arbitration which has been sent forth from the Grievance Committee. This committee enforces the Code of Ethics and determines disciplinary actions. Members must attend annual local board Florida Realtors training.
GRIEVANCE: The Grievance Committee is responsible for reviewing written complaints received by the Board for possible Code of Ethics violations and Arbitration. The committee determines at a committee meeting if the complaint is factual, does it violate an article of the Code of Ethics. The Committee then forwards the complaint to the Professional Standards Committee. Association Executive is staff liaison for complainant, respondent, committee and Board of Directors. Members are strongly encouraged to attend the annual local board Florida Realtors training.
Committee Descriptions 2019 Amended